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View Stats Public_2 Second public selection mflatres 19/06/2011 Coming soon
View Stats soft_workshop_cp2010 Mahouna instances presented in soft workshop in perrugia (cp2010) allouche 23/09/2011 Coming soon
View Public_1 First public selection mflatres 19/06/2011 Coming soon
View Stats DEE Benchmarks to compare PSNSr and DEEr. degivry 24/04/2013 Coming soon
View Stats treewith_50 instance with treewith/size <= 0.5 allouche 20/07/2016 Coming soon

List of instances from selection : soft_workshop_cp2010
Filename Benchmark name #var Max dom #const ub Arity max Name category root Connectivity Max Degree Min Degree Closed
B4-LU05.wcsp CAP 45 4 119 46 9 crafted 0.26 24 12
B2-LU16.wcsp CAP 144 4 383 752 9 crafted 0.1 68 14
B2-LU08.wcsp CAP 72 4 191 392 9 crafted 0.18 36 12
B2-LU02.wcsp CAP 18 4 47 38 9 crafted 0.58 12 12
B4-LU20.wcsp CAP 180 4 479 752 9 crafted 0.07 84 14
B1234-LU15.wcsp CAP 135 4 356 504 9 crafted 0.08 24 12
B4-LU10.wcsp CAP 90 4 239 192 9 crafted 0.14 44 12
B3-LU16.wcsp CAP 144 4 367 1312 16 crafted 0.12 68 26
B1234-LU60-star.wcsp CAP 540 4 1384 3852 60 crafted 0.07 124 70
B1-LU32.wcsp CAP 288 4 679 640 32 crafted 0.08 132 42
B1234-LU15-star.wcsp CAP 135 4 360 704 15 crafted 0.12 34 25
B4-LU40.wcsp CAP 360 4 959 1504 9 crafted 0.04 164 14
B1234-LU60.wcsp CAP 540 4 1380 2824 16 crafted 0.03 84 12
B3-LU32.wcsp CAP 288 4 703 2592 32 crafted 0.09 132 42
B1234-LU30.wcsp CAP 270 4 708 1148 9 crafted 0.05 44 12
B1234-LU120.wcsp CAP 1080 4 2724 5488 32 crafted 0.02 164 14
B1234-LU30-star.wcsp CAP 270 4 712 1560 30 crafted 0.09 64 40
B1-LU08.wcsp CAP 72 4 175 184 9 crafted 0.19 36 18
B1-LU16.wcsp CAP 144 4 343 368 16 crafted 0.12 68 26
B3-LU08.wcsp CAP 72 4 199 656 9 crafted 0.19 36 18
B1-LU04.wcsp CAP 36 4 91 92 9 crafted 0.32 20 14
B3-LU04.wcsp CAP 36 4 99 328 9 crafted 0.32 20 14
B2-LU04.wcsp CAP 36 4 95 116 9 crafted 0.32 20 12
B1234-LU120-star.wcsp CAP 1080 4 2728 8000 120 crafted 0.06 244 130
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