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Parameter name Value Description
Graph options
Generation method
Overlap Available options : scale, true, false
Fontsize Font size for ext level
Nodes options
Shape Shape style of nodes. Available options : ellipse, box, circle, doublecircle, diamond, plaintext, record, polygon
Style Intern/Extern shapes style. Available options : bold, dotted, filled
Height Nodes height size. Example : 0.5
Width Nodes width size. Example : 0.5
Fontsize Nodes fontsize. Example : 10
Edges options
Weight Edges weight. Example : 0.5
Lenght Edges length. Example : 0.5

Filename #var Max dom #const ub Arity max Connectivity Max Degree Min Degree Closed
DSJC125.1.5.wcsp 125 5 736 737 2 0.72 23 5
Instance representation
Degrees distribution
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Tree Decomposition
Method : Min-Fill
Treewidth Treeheight nb_cluster maxclustsize minclustsize maxsep minsep min_sep_space_size max_sep_space_size total_separator_space
65 73 60 66 6 65 0 1 2.71050543121376e45 8.13175915492869e45
Method : mcs
Treewidth Treeheight nb_cluster maxclustsize minclustsize maxsep minsep min_sep_space_size max_sep_space_size total_separator_space
79 98 40 80 6 78 0 1 3.30872245021211e54 6.14217505535281e54
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