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Uncapacitated warehouse location problemsThese data files come from the test problem sets VII, X, XIII and A to C in Table 2 of J.E.Beasley "Lagrangean heuristics for location problems" European Journal of Operational Research, vol.65, 1993, pp383-399. (see See also the capXX.dat files and a problem description as proposed by Brahim Hnich in the CSPLib (see problem #34). warehouse1.dat comes from an Eclipse solver benchmark. warehouse0.dat comes from Brahim Hnich's problem description. Some optimal values of the original test problem sets: Data file Optimal solution value cap71 932615.750 cap72 977799.400 cap73 1010641.450 cap74 1034976.975 cap101 796648.437 cap102 854704.200 cap103 893782.112 cap104 928941.750 cap131 793439.562 cap132 851495.325 cap133 893076.712 cap134 928941.750 capa 17156454.478 capb 12979071.582 capc 11505594.329 Note that the original instances use real numbers for the supply costs that have been converted into integers by multiplying every cost by 10 (except for capa, capb and capc) and then, removing the fractional part. Thus, the resulting optimum of capXX.wcsp, divided by 10 (except for capa, capb and capc), is a lower bound of the original instance. ****** OR-Library ****** ***** J_E_Beasley ***** OR-Library is a collection of test data sets for a variety of OR problems. A full list of the test data sets available in OR-Library can be found here: =============================================================================== ***** Uncapacitated warehouse location ***** There are currently 15 data files. These data files are the test problem sets VII, X, XIII and A to C in Table 2 of J.E.Beasley "Lagrangean heuristics for location problems" European Journal of Operational Research, vol.65, 1993, pp383-399. The following table gives the relationship between test problem set and the appropriate files: Problem set Files VII cap71, ..., cap74 X cap101, ..., cap104 XIII cap131, ..., cap134 A capa B capb C capc The format of these data files is: number of potential warehouse locations (m), number of customers (n) for each potential warehouse location i (i=1,...,m): capacity, fixed cost for each customer j (j=1,...,n): demand, cost of allocating all of the demand of j to warehouse i (i=1,...,m) As these test problems are derived from test problems for the capacitated warehouse location problem they include capacity figures for each potential warehouse location and demand figures for each customer. These figures should (obviously) be ignored when solving these problems as uncapacitated warehouse location problems. The value of the optimal solution for each of these data files is given in the file uncapopt. The largest file is capc of size 1300Kb (approximately). The entire set of files is of size 4500Kb (approximately). Click here: to access these files